Feedback on the Tracing Center’s Educational Programs

“The workshop challenged  me to think more concertedly about the issues of the slave trade and slavery. [It] came alive in a way I would have never expected it to.”

— Workshop participant

“Thank you for sharing your family’s story about the slave trade. It was an inspirational experience. You engaged us with the power and personal meaning of the account with the video and then made it human with your sensitive, intelligent, compassionate, and courageous dialogue. You helped us see a familiar historical event from a new perspective and helped us see its impact on our lives today and what we might do to address the inequities it created.”

“Your presentation was one of the most moving I have ever attended.”

— David Costello, Head of School, St. Peter’s School, Philadelphia

“The movie and following discussions were one of  the most interesting and meaningful  presentations I’ve experienced in my 17 years at [this school]. I’ve always know first hand about the effects of slavery in the south, but knew almost nothing of the history in the north. Thanks you so much for all of your research, and your willingness to share your discoveries with us.”

Department chair, school for grades K-9

“I was impressed by Katrina’s ability to field blunt questions from an auditorium full of high school students. She created a safe space for discussion by listening respectfully and openly sharing her own insight and experience. Her style promoted dialogue and she had a talent for subtly redirecting negative or defensive energy into new and constructive ways of thinking.”
— Teacher at Westtown School

“Last week’s workshop ranks among one of the most meaningful I’ve ever attended and will have direct impact on the faculty I lead and the curriculum we teach.”

— Participant, teacher workshop

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