Learn more about actions some churches are taking to address their own legacies of slavery. You can get involved in the implementation of these efforts in your congregation, regional or national church body.

Episcopal Church

Unitarian Universalist Association

United Church of Christ
In the spring of 2008, the UCC began a process called Sacred Conversations on Race, to respond to the controversy surrounding the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and the campaign of Sen. Barack Obama. What has the role of the black church been as a prophetic voice in America? How can churches take part in anti-racism work? To view their list of resources, including liturgy and worship materials, click here.

Additional anti-racism/racial reconciliation programs of different faith groups:

Canadian Council of Churches (links to member church sites)

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Continuing the Witness: Reconciliation Ministry

Christian Reformed Church
Race Relations Ministries

Churches Uniting in Christ (10 member denominations together)
Combating Racism

Episcopal Church
Office of Anti-Racism & Gender Equality
List of all Episcopal Church resolutions on racism

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Multicultural Ministries

Mennonite Central Committee & Mennonite Church
Anti Racism vision and goals
Damascus Road Antiracism training program
Bread for the Journey Blog of the Mennonite anti-racism program
Set Free Anti-racism program for people of color
Fire & Clay Spiritual retreat for white participants of past anti-racism training
Resources on racism connected to Hurricane Katrina

Presbyterian Church USA
Office for Racial Justice Advocacy
Presbyterian Women’s Antiracism Initiative

Unitarian Universalist Association
Antiracism materials and resources list

United Church of Christ
Anti-racism program

United Methodist Church
General Commission on Religion & Race

These are only some of the many resources available. We are working on building a comprehensive list – please share with us any materials or programs you have participated in or know of!

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